Monday, November 17, 2008

Days 24-27 (extended)

Well, it looks like the hubs and I may finally be getting a house!!! After losing house No. 1 to a higher offer and pulling out of the offer we put on house No. 2, everything looks like a go for house No. 3 ... guess it really is true about the third time being the charm. ;) Who-hoo!

Our closing date is set for Monday, December 15 and, as such, the hubs and I have decided to extend House Wars until then. With the holidays creeping ever closer, our "side jobs" are starting to dwindle so extending our deadline will give us two extra (and much needed) weeks to snag every extra dollar we can.

Still more than $100 behind and about $600 away from goal, it's time I got creative. Ummm, anyone have some genius ideas? ;) If so, please share!

Current Cash Stats:

the wife: $372
the hubs: $500

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why do you say that stuff when we haven't even gotten the contract back......Way to jinxs us!!!